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Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Servetus Project and the book, Rebel With a Cause: The Radical Reformer, has been featured on two European websites. One French Unitarian and one Italian Unitarian church have placed an announcement of the book on their websites.

I appreciate this publicity a great deal. It is special to me when Unitarian groups express interest in my work on The Servetus Project. You can see the web pages at:
Unitarian News French
Unitarian Christians of the "BET DAVID CHURCH" Italian

Michael servetus plays an important role in the development of Unitarianism. His role is based mainly on his earliest book, On the Errors of The Trinity  which gave focus to the various anti-Trinitarian ideas and groups in the 16th century. His last book, The Restitution of Christianity, was nearly eradicated by his enemies before it could be distributed widely. It was not able to affect Christian theology, though it has many important memes that developed much later in Christian history. These mostly positive changes could have come much earlier if his ideas had been distributed as widely as On the Errors of The Trinity.

There are only three extant copies of The Restitution of Christianity in libraries and they have only been translated from the original Latin into Spanish and English in recent years. they have not yet received the theological examination they deserve.

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